
Capybara Clicker

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Capybara Clicker belongs to the genre of clicker games with the featured character Capybara. The simple gameplay but addictive gameplay, increase the maximum number of Capybaras that no one has ever surpassed.

Capybara's lovely image

Capybaras are famous for being lovable herbivores whose size does not resemble their family of rats. Vegetarians are blades of grass and live in the water as flexible as otters. Their popularity is due to their friendly characteristics. They can coexist with a variety of animals, from vegetarians to carnivores. From animals that people think they have a scary appearance like snakes, crocodiles, ect but when they are together with Capybara, those scary animals seem to have changed in a more cute way. The name foreign minister has been associated with Capybara and the trend about them shows no sign of slowing down. Thanks to Capybara's cuteness, from here, memes about them also appear quite a lot.

Simple gameplay

Just click on the Capybara image, you've got an extra Capybaras coin. To be the richest person, you can't do it alone. Therefore, hire characters who can assist you in that. The higher the cost of hiring a character, the faster the Capybaras will be recovered to advance to a larger goal.

Hire support characters

To become the owner of the most Capybaras in the world in a short time, it is impossible to count the merits of the characters who support you. The higher the price you hire, the faster the Capybaras recover. The key is Capybaras Per Second, the more the number, the faster the number of Capybaras will be developed and restored. Just idle waiting for the hired characters to create their own Capybaras. You will also encounter this type of idle game through Mr Mine.

Unlock skins

There are countless skins that you will be unlocked. If a Capybara achieves its goal, there will be another Capybara with a newer look.

Change weather

There are 6 weather patterns that you can change at no cost to make the game more fun.