
Pie Attack

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Pie Attack throws pie in the faces of bad guys for them to spare. Because these guys will also throw pie at you. Throw pie at them before they do to you.

Good people and bad people

There are two types of people, good people and bad people. Good people will not harm you, but they will greet you warmly. They usually have a normal human-like face and are always smiling.

But bad people are not like that. Strange, non-human faces and a sinister smile. They love to play pranks by throwing apple pie in your face then they will laugh gloatingly. As you, do you like these jokes. I'm sure you won't like this. Prank them back before they prank you.

Throw pie at the bad guys

Choose the doorway where the bad guy is standing

The windows will be opened and the people will appear there to distract you. Don't throw bread at good people, only throw bread at bad people. When you see bad people, immediately throw cake at them before they do the same to you.

If you get pranked by them or you throw a pie at a good person, the game is over immediately.

Practice quick reflexes

In this game, you will learn how to reflexively detect bad people and act quickly to throw pie at them before they do it to you. The more successful throws you make, the more difficult the game will become as they appear more and faster. This makes you need faster speed and observation.

Become a hero punishing bad guys, bad guys everywhere, go to Blockpost to destroy bad guys.