
Sir Coins Alot

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Sir Coins Alot leads you into a maze filled with treasures but to collect them all you need to avoid the voracious ghosts coming your way. Use the help in the maze to help you complete the mission faster.

Help the knight collect coins

A knight trapped in a labyrinth with no way out. The way to escape from this place is to collect all the coins on the way. However, to collect all the coins you need to have the right strategy because the monsters from the cage will come out and eat you. Either you will become their food or quickly grab the weapons to kill them and collect all the coins to get out of this maze.

In a challenge you will have up to 3 lives. That means you have 2 reincarnations if you accidentally get eaten and try to complete the coin collection to get out of the maze. If you run out of life, you will have to start the game again.

Some items that you need to know

Weapon is a special power that helps you destroy the monsters that are approaching you. It only takes effect in one battle.

Portals have the effect of helping you teleport from one location to another. The purpose of using this tool is to help you avoid monsters faster.

Speed Boost has the effect of helping you go faster, but its effect only lasts for a short time, so it cannot be maintained for a long time.

Freeze Boost has the effect of holding the monsters in place so you can move around collecting coins.

Magnet Boost has the effect of attracting coins even if you are far away, you can also attract people, making it shorter to collect coins.

Destruction Boost has the effect of killing all monsters appearing in the labyrinth.

Speed changes include purple floors slow you down. Green floors speed you up.

Spikes need to be kept away if you don't want to get hurt.